Who You Are

"Will you be there
In every corner
In every inch
Tucked and cinched
In thy arms
In thy palms

Will you be there
In breath as air
In tickles
In beats and humps

Will you be there
Not to care
But tell stories
Fairy tales
Make thee sleep
Hear and awake"

Have you asked yourself who you are? We believe you did, atleast once until you bump into this question here :). Well, whoever you are, no one other than you really knows. All of us have secrets, yes, the ones that make us who we are. 

Remember all those times that we all went through same set of emotions, atleast once in this life. How we all feel happy among our people, safe in our homes, joyous in our vibes. And we all too feel low, dazed, gloomy, sad or angry sometimes, for sure.

And this is what makes us human, this is what guide us to discover, innovate and explore. To go beyond our limits.

When we are born, with all innocence, we grow into this world. The child in us does take a backseat but never rests. You remember the last time you craved for your favourite dessert, dress, ride, or anything you loved as kid. The minute you saw it, the eyes lit with joy and a rush of serotonin took you over making you feel elated.

You see, this is what you are. Full of energy, desires, conflicts yet joyous in what you love and what your soul truly craves for. This highly volatile yet joyous self comes in various shapes, sizes, colors; the ones you know and the ones you yet to find, the ones who will vibrate with you until you both get swooned.

Notre âme is a soul's wild longing, an experience of being oneself, a thrill running in the veins. Notre âme is about letting the soul fly, deconstructing definitions that limits you, notre âme is about you

Like a musical note, when pressed upon, the stillness comes to life, and the chaos turns still. At notre âme, we work to bring this balance to our community, to let them fall in love with themselves, sync with their vibe and dive into experiencing their senses. Our designs are crafted on these values, to leave a lasting touch.

Be a part of this journey, explore yourself, fall in love with thyself.
Be the person your soul craves to!